Associate Member Benefits
The success of the Association is due to the involvement of our Associate Members. The CBA’s 150 associate members provide numerous products and services specifically designed for community banks. Through their annual dues, involvement in educational programs, conventions, and sponsorships, associate members are an invaluable part of the Association. Several associate members who first joined the CBA in 1969 are still an Associate Member today. CBA Associate members are largely responsible for allowing the CBA to continue our mission of ensuring the success and continued development of community banking in Georgia.
Associate Member dues are $1,300.
Building Strong Relationships
Associate Members enjoy numerous opportunities throughout the year to network and showcase their products and services to Georgia community bank CEOs and decision-makers. Please contact us to find out how you can take advantage of the additional value and benefits available to CBA Associate Members. These benefits more than cover the cost of your annual dues. Thank you for your support of the community banking industry and CBA of Georgia.
Associate Membership Benefits
We encourage you to maximize the value of your CBA Associate Membership by taking advantage of the many benefits available:
- Opportunity to meet face-to-face with Georgia’s
community bankers on a regular basis - Receive regular communications on important banking and industry news
- Receive a free listing in CBA’s online directory and enjoy 24/7 exposure as well as access to bank information
- Company listing on the CBA’s website with a direct link to your company’s website
- Receive notifications of the CBA-sponsored educational programs. Attend at the discounted CBA member registration fee and interact with the bankers who are most likely to use your products or services
- Request association membership list with key contacts for community banks in Georgia
- Free and priority publication of timely informational or educational articles authored by your experts
- Complimentary subscription to the CBA’s quarterly publication, Georgia Communities First
- Promote informational webinars from associate members in CBA weekly e-newsletter.
- Priority opportunity to be a presenter at education and training sessions available to community banks
Additional benefits available to you that create networking opportunities and can directly increase sales opportunities for your organization are as follows:
- Discounts on advertising in CBA’s Georgia Communities First magazine, CBA website and weekly e-newsletter, CBA Today
- Substantial discounts on registration for attending and exhibiting at Connect - CBA’s Annual Convention & Mini-Trade Show
- Opportunity to sponsor events attended by community bank management, directors, and staff. These opportunities include annual events such as the CONNECT, CBA's convention & mini-trade show, clay shoots, Topgolf outings, leadership programs and numerous educational programs.