2024-2025 Committees

Advocacy Committee

Purpose: The Advocacy Committee leads the external efforts of the organization to influence and impact the legislative process on the State and Federal level. Members are instrumental in developing the Association’s stance on legislative issues and initiatives. Though it is recommended all members of the Association be in touch with their local legislators, members of this committee should be leaders in efforts to contacting and discussing industry issues with State and Federal legislators, their staffs, and our Association executives. The committee also serves as a networking and idea exchange for community bankers on potential or prospective legislation or issues.

Committee Members

Bylaws Committee

Purpose: The CBA Bylaws Committee periodically review the by-laws in coordination with the CBA Board of Directors and other standing committees. Consider proposed changes and offer suggestions and recommendations to the CBA Board and ultimately the CBA Membership at the association's annual meeting. 

Committee Members

Convention Committee

Purpose: The Convention Committee shall assist the CBA staff in providing recommendations for topics, speakers, locations and other logistics for the planning and development of the CBA Annual Convention.

Committee Members

Education Committee

Purpose: The purpose of the Education/Professional Development Committee is to advise and consult with CBA staff as to the professional development needs of member institutions and other industry stakeholders. The committee will review all programming, materials, pricing, trainers and venues to insure CBA is offering the highest quality educational programming possible. The committee will recommend improvements and alterations as deemed appropriate.

Committee Members

Finance & Audit Committee

Purpose: The primary responsibility of the Finance and Audit Committee is to oversee the CBA’s financial reporting process on behalf of the Board and report the results of their activities to the Board. Management is responsible for preparing the CBA’s financial statements, and the independent auditors are responsible for auditing those financial statements. The committee, in carrying out its responsibilities, believes its policies and procedures should remain flexible in order to best react to changing conditions and circumstances. The Committee should take the appropriate actions to set the overall corporate “tone” for quality financial reporting, sound business risk practices and ethical behavior.

Committee Members

Innovation Committee

Purpose: The purpose of the CBA Innovation Committee is to educate members on financial technology (Fintech), offer guidance, networking, solutions and assist in developing future talent. Goals are:

a) To identify, develop, and refine potential fintech solutions for community banks.

b) Bring forward new ideas, issues, and concerns regarding the technology needs at community banks.

c) Potentially participate in piloting and testing new initiatives as well as provide financial support to entrepreneurs.

d) Help community banks with efficiencies and enhance the customer experience.

e) Participate in programs to assist college students with real-life fintech experience/feedback as well as fintech career opportunities at community banks.

Committee Members

LEAD Division Board

​The LEAD is administered by its own board, board structure, and committees. Each year designated LEAD Board Members are assigned to specific committees designed to promote and assist CBA Board initiatives. LEAD committees are as follows:

  • ​Membership & ​Talent Management
  • Talent Acquisition & Financial Literacy
  • Convention Planning
  • Advocacy 


Learn More & View LEAD Board Members

Member Services Committee

Purpose: The purpose of the Member Services Committee is to advise and consult with CBA staff regarding product and services needs of community banks. In addition to recommending prospective financial services providers for Associate Membership with CBA, the committee is also tasked with identifying, evaluating and reviewing marketing packages for financial services providers/associate members.

Committee Members

Membership Committee

Purpose: The purpose of the Membership Committee is to provide advice and counsel on matters of membership recruitment and retention. The Membership Committee is responsible for:

a) Membership Service. Identifying the needs of members and recommending the development of services to meet those needs.

b) Keeping Membership Informed. Making recommendations to CBA ways to make prospective and current members aware of the resources, services, and membership benefits of CBA.

c) Welcoming New Members. Recommending ways to acknowledge new members and to encourage participation in CBA.

d) Researching Nonmember Needs. Gathering information on non-members’ needs and sharing feedback on attracting non-members to join CBA.

e) Identifying Possible Membership Options. Assist CBA in serving underserved areas, i.e. – retired bankers, displaced bankers from consolidation, expansion to other areas, etc.

Committee Members

Marketing and Communications Committee

Purpose: The Marketing Committee provides guidance on implementing a marketing plan to expand the reach and professional branding of CBA. Members are instrumental in developing public relations programs on special banking issues, as well as marketing-related educational programs and conferences. The committee also serves as a networking and idea exchange for community bank marketers. The CBA Marketing Committee has three major initiatives which include: Improving communication with CBA member banks; assisting member banks with bank marketing; and increasing media presence regarding the importance and benefits of community banking.

Committee Members