Craig Hirsch

Bank Examiner (BSA/AML Specialist)

Professional Bio

Craig Hirsch is a Bank Examiner specializing in Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing. He is part of the OCC Southern District’s BSA Working Group, performs analyses on FinCEN data for various banks in the Southern District, and frequently participates in interagency meetings with other regulatory and law enforcement agencies. Mr. Hirsch is an instructor for the OCC’s domestic and foreign AML Schools, the FFIEC’s Financial Crime seminar, and has spoken at various industry conferences on a wide range of BSA/AML/OFAC topics. He has written articles on BSA/AML and fraud, which have appeared in national publications. Before joining the OCC, Craig spent over nine years as a consultant in the areas of anti-money laundering, forensic accounting, and financial statement audit. He is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist, Certified Professional in Anti-Money Laundering, Certified Fraud Examiner, and Certified Public Accountant.
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