About CBA Professional Development

PictureThe Community Bankers Association of Georgia offers specialized professional education in compliance, training, leadership, and talent management. Its Community Bankers College is nationally recognized for its comprehensive programs, including single and multi-day courses, round tables, schools, conferences, and webinars. These programs are available throughout Georgia in various formats to suit different schedules and budgets. Continuing professional education credits are provided upon request, and member banks receive discounted pricing on all educational programs. 

Why CBA's Community Bankers College?
  • Specialized professional education for compliance, training, leadership development, and talent management.
  • National recognition for invaluable educational programs.
  • Catalog includes single and multi-day programs, round tables, schools, conferences, and webinars.
  • Education programs available throughout Georgia, both in-person, virtual, and hybrid formats.
  • Designed for all positions, fitting various schedules and budgets.
  • Offers Continuing Professional Education credits (CPEs) upon request.
  • Member banks receive discounted pricing on all educational programs.


Advanced BSA/AML Compliance School

Banker Regulatory Forum


Cyber Risk Conference

Essentials of Banking Series



Community Bank Leadership Academy

Compliance Professionals Package

Frontline Community Bank Training Series

 HR & Talent Development League

ICBA Bank Director Program

Full calendar of CBA Programs & Events

Event Terms & Cancellations
Think CBA First!
How can we meet your education needs?

Contact a Professional Development Associate by e-mail.

CBA of GA’s Community Bankers College works to serve you and your community bank professional development needs.  Tell us what we can do to better serve you, contact us to discuss your goals, needs and suggestions as we enhance your learning experience. 

Webinar Partner
The Community Bankers Webinar Network offers a wide variety of training topics that provide for a flexible learning option.  Choosing a webinar that fits your banks needs also allows for you to participate live or receive a recording to be played back for unlimited internal employees and board members.

Our members simply search for the webinar of choice, select and use the electronic web portal to register and pay for the webinar.  Webinar confirmation instructions are sent to the registered attendee within 24 hours of the live program. 

State Association Code: GA-CBA  
ICBA Affiliate Education Program
Collaborating with ICBA gives our members even more choices to support the learning and development goals of the financial institution.  We are here to help you find the best training to fit your needs.  Call us and we will help make a connection. Check out ICBA Education. 
When selecting to register for a ICBA Education, please use our state association code. ​ Using the code will alert ICBA to give back to Georgia through our alliance in supporting the community banking industry. 
State Association Code: GA-CBA
The new Affiliate Education Program will ensure that collectively, we put community banks in contact with the training tools necessary to grow bankers’ knowledge and skills.  Let’s all win by increasing knowledge, improving efficiency, and investing in our employees while working together to uplift the industry we love—COMMUNITY BANKING!