Advanced BSA: AML/CFT School: Return on Investment - Takeaways Galore

CBA Today eNewsletter,

Last week we were on Amelia Island for CBA’s Advanced BSA: AML/CFT school.  “WOW! Thank you for providing so many takeaways” Gail Baker, Barwick Banking Company.   A takeaway is a term we use to help us define the participant’s return on investment for the training.  Participants walked away with tools, resources, lessons, new friendships and more.  We heard updates from our regulators, instructors and business partners that helped us recognize the increase in changes, consent orders, fraud and how we can work together to stay abreast and not fall behind. 

CBA collaborates with Performance Solutions, Inc., Dianne Barton & Kristin Harville, industry experts to develop and bring the most updated information in an effective learning environment.  Together, we're committed to delivering cutting-edge information in a dynamic learning environment.  Our mission is to continuously elevate training offerings while ensuring our stakeholders receive the highest quality education.

Here are just a few highlights & take aways:

  • On Monday, we kicked off our program with an update from the state’s department of banking, Janet Bryan.
  • Georgia’s First Lady, Marty Kemp made a presentation.  First Lady Kemp has led the charge to end human trafficking by spearheading nine pieces of legislation and forming the GRACE commission.  She encouraged bankers to educate, increase awareness and provide resources that support these efforts. 
    • First Lady Marty Kemp and the GRACE Commission, in partnership with the Georgia Department of Administrative Services (DOAS), launched Human Trafficking Awareness Training for State of Georgia employees and the general public.
    • Use this link to access this free training video.
  • Matthew Josephson, Department of Justice reminded us that SARs do count.
  • Ensure your bank is creating a succession plan that will set your bank up for ongoing success for complying with this ever-changing regulation.
  • Make sure you have a written policy.
  • Create and use a risk assessment.
  • Rules continue to change, keep attending training.
  • Fighting Fraud Friday – our program wrapped up with eye opening stories from David Blake, GA Department of Human Services, Taylor Fernandez, US Postal Inspector & Rene Perez, Jack Henry & Associates.

Attendees’ favorite resources include: our peers, we help each other, “call a friend”, our auditors & examiners, CBA legal hotline – James-Bates-Brannan-Groover, CBA of GA Training opportunities.

Thank you to our sponsors Carr, Riggs & Ingram; Mauldin & Jenkins; Steve H. Powell & Company; James Bates Brannan Groover LLP        and Nasdaq Verafin.                    

Mark Your Calendar for CBA’s Advanced BSA: AML/CFT School – August 18-22, 2025