Championing Community Banks: CBA Ranked Among Top Trade Associations in Georgia

CBA Today eNewsletter,

The results are in for the James Magazine 2024 Top Lobbyist Issue.  I’m proud to report that CBA was ranked #14 in the Trade & Business Associations List.  Considering all the organizations in the state, this ranking speaks volumes as to the good work CBA does exclusively representing the interests of Georgia’s community banking industry. Additionally, our lobbying consulting firm Fiveash-Stanley, was ranked #3 in the Non-Law Firm Affiliated Smaller Governmental Affairs Firms. Under the direction of CBA’s own Lori Godfrey, combined with CBA’s partnership with Fiveash-Stanley and James Bates Brannan and Groover, our representation at the Capital has put us in a wonderful position for future legislative sessions.  We continue to elevate the needs of community banks with the legislators and administration personnel. 


The 2025 session is already shaping up to be one full of challenges and opportunities for the community banking industry. Interchange, check fraud, credit union expansion, and tort reform.. just to mention a few key battles we will face. As community bankers and industry supporters, you must be involved in the advocacy process. CBA provides many opportunities and events for all to engage such as our Clay Shoots, and  Town Hall Talks. Additionally, every dollar you send to CBA’s Advocacy Fund is exclusively used here in Georgia for Georgia’s community banking industry. This is the only fund of its kind in the state.


It is our privilege to serve the community banking industry and to fight each and every day to ensure that it will flourish for generations to come. Thank you for your support of CBA!   


John McNair

President & CEO