The Lost Art of Handwriting - Crystal Miller, VP, Customer Care Center, BankSouth

CBA Today eNewsletter,

In the latest issue of Georgia Communities First magazine, Crystal Miller, VP, Customer Care Center Manager for BankSouth,  shares how a simple note is not an outdated practice and can create a WOW experience for her bank's  customers.


On Valentine’s Day 2016, my grandfather gave my grandmother her Valentine’s Card. She told him to hold on and left the room. He thought she was going to get his card. Instead, she came back with the first Valentine’s Day card he had given her 65 years earlier when they were dating. Although my grandmother’s vision was almost gone, it didn’t matter. She had the message inside memorized. She recited his words back to him…word by word. That is how much his handwritten message had meant to her so many years ago.


Can you remember the last time you were given a card that included a handwritten message? A special envelope in the mail that was not a bill or junk mail. That card or letter probably stands out because they come so infrequently now. We now live in the world of emails, texts, and chat. Writing something down by hand using pen and paper seems so outdated and unnecessary. It is so outdated that you can hire a company to use AI driven software to ‘write’ your handwritten notes for you.


So why should we bother with such an outdated practice? Continue with article.